Evolution Africa

Through the many years Africa has struggled in turmoil caused by other countries' influence & interest in it's riches & resources, the spirit of Africa strongly maintained it's identity.

As the continent is now on the rise & striving to reclaim it's independence, it's creative side is experiencing a beautiful & dynamic boom!

The unique & vibrant fashion, arts & music sectors are all reflecting the heart beat of it's beautiful people. The African creative industry as a whole pulsates the energy that drives its people & keep smiles on our shining faces.

More & more African fashion as well as African fashion photography is becoming prominent across the world. Our strength, determination & natural perspectives are clad in vibrant colours, creative design & beautiful style.

This is the beginning stage of a beautiful evolution, a rebirth revolution driven by African soul. We are all part of this beautiful evolution. Yes, Africa is evolving and becoming it's own destiny. We are the beauty the creative industry portrays. We are Africa!

Photography by Maya Hoffman
#photography #AfricanFashion #fashion #AfricanStyle 
