From a young age Charlie Makametsane Nkadimeng, born in South Africa, had a love for fashion. So much so that he felt as though fashion chose him. When he wanted to do home economics in primary and high school young Charlie was shunned as it was unheard off for a boy to want to study subjects that were considered feminine. Never the less, he knew that somehow he would be involved in the fashion industry. On finishing school he pursued studies in fashion design at Tshwane Collage, South Africa. After first working in the industry, Charlie then started his own clothing label named 'Boraro'.
He states that as a creative one should have no boundaries, that artists should create what they want to create how they want to create it. He continues to say that one must never be bound by the rules of formal education. On asking him what drives him, he told us: "I am working hard to leave a legacy my daughter can be proud of. The thought of working for someone else pushes me to work even harder when times are trying. I am a free spirit, I must be free."
What influences you Charlie?: "I am influenced by many things. Music, life experiences & society. I absorb everything like a sponge - different experiences, traditions, people & discovering new things. Then when I squeese that sponge - out comes my creations."
We believe that your love for music has you DJ'ng as well. Tell us about that please: "Yes, since childhood music has moved me in the same way as style design & art. Watching the people respond to the music I play is like seeing someone in love with one of my clothing designs - it's fulfilling. I have been DJ'ng for a while now and go by the name Charlie Bomb."
What we love about his label Boraro is that it represents everyday people, hence boasts of all different sizes & styles. Even the models he uses vary in size & realistically represents everyday people, the target market of any designer. As an entrepreneur he organises & hosts his own fashion shows, working on making his clothing label a brand associated with the new world, the new Africa - the new collective consciousness. Currently he is working on a new style that he names 'Undun Apparel'. It is an urban look - chic, yet with a rough edge.

His most recent fashion show followed Women's Month and was held at the South African State Theatre at Vavasati International Festival. This was a celebration for women of all sizes & styles, titled: “My love handles”. Here he showcased elegant designs to the likes of beautiful two piece African print outfits, flowing colourful chiffons, organzas, pink Scottish tartan dresses as well as jumpsuits.
Where do you aim to go next, Charlie?: "My goal is to showcase at international fashion weeks like London & New York, but also to get African owned clothing labels more prominent on the international platform. I am currently on the lookout for new talent to accompany me in developing Boraro as a brand."
Please tell us your motto and your message to the people: "My motto is: 'Note the past, write down today & teach tomorrow.' To everyone out there I say: 'Follow your heart!' The more we follow our heart, the more we learn & the more we learn, the more we grow.”
It was an absolute pleasure making Charlie Makametsane Nkadimeng's acquintence! People: He is an inspiring name to look out for!
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